Original Innocence Tantra Retreats

A Journey of Reclamation and Healing

Original Innocence Tantra Retreats serve as powerful healing sanctuaries for female-born individuals, guiding them to reclaim their bodies, revive their blissful soul-body connection, and heal from sexual trauma. These retreats cultivate a safe and supportive environment where participants can experience profound touch, fostering embodied self-confidence, community and sisterhood.

Imagine fully embracing your body as innocent, beautiful, and undeniably worthy. Can you recall the moments from your childhood when the sheer pleasure of your own touch or the warmth of the sun filled you with connection, peace, and bliss? Unfortunately, many have lost touch with these memories due to a pervasive societal narrative that hyper-sexualizes adolescent girls, a billion-dollar beauty industry that distorts self-worth, a historical distance from nature, and religious teachings that shame sensuality.

For many socialized as women, expressing their desires and embodying their true selves often feels unsafe. This disconnection, along with deep-seated cultural imprints, leads to feelings of inadequacy and the mistaken belief that “something is wrong” within them.

Relaxing fully into ones embodied presence is simple in concept yet challenging in practice because of the layers of trauma and cultural disconnect.

Reclaiming YOUR innocent pleasure and YOUR embodied sensual vitality is not just radical—it's a necessary journey. Just like a curious baby putting their toes in their mouth, this process is inherently natural, innocent and accessible.

Empathically attuned touch plays a critical role in cultivating safety, allowing individuals to soften, open up, and truly engage with the joy of being alive in their bodies. Unfortunately, many people across all genders haven’t experienced this kind of nurturing touch. Tragically, they often misinterpret intimacy as something sexual, which undermines their ability to receive the healing touch they crave.

OIT - DFS Retreats delve into the Yin and Yang archetypes, awakening both your inner masculine and feminine energies while offering a sacred setting for authentic self-expression.

Drawing on the foundational principles of Divine Feminine Shamans—such as shadow healing, self-acceptance, ecological identity, embodied nature support, and multi-dimensional self-activations—Original Innocence Tantra Retreats integrate all these elements with an emphasis on empathically attuned touch, agency, and choice, while addressing unwinding body trauma.

Trauma-informed practices that center agency and consent, along with exercises designed to reclaim your authentic “yes” and “no,” form the bedrock of the pre-retreat workshops and the first day’s schedule. Follow up workshop to support integration is also offered.

Sample Schedule


Sample Schedule ~


  • 5 PM: Dinner featuring organic vegan three-bean chili and a detoxifying stir-fry with rice.

  • 6 PM: Gathering in our sacred container.

  • 7 PM: Opening to the exploration of desire.

  • 8 PM: Cosmic Womb (Merkaba) Activation.

  • 8:30 PM: Deep Holding Ritual.

  • 9 PM: Closing for the night (enjoy the jacuzzi and sauna; some may head to bed).


  • 8:30 AM: Breakfast (indulge in a sensual hello to our food ritual with vanilla cinnamon chia pudding and cake batter peanut butter yogurt; toast available).

  • 9:15 AM: Gentle yoga, chi gong, dancing, and playful movement. Awakening the Inner Dragon. How to unlock your Sacram and Holy Grail of the Body.

  • 9:45 AM: Check-in to share experiences.

  • 10:30 AM: Yoni Body Ritual.

  • 12:30 PM: Lunch and break. 
(spaghetti squash and vegan Cobb salad) –

  • 2 PM: Hara Womb Reclamation Ritual –

  • 3 PM: Divination activations in the Archetypes at Oracle Vortex

  • 5:30 PM: Dinner (Renew Revitalize Kittichai with avocado and steamed kale; mung bean rice and healing spices)

  • 7 PM: Soul Body Reclamation Ceremony with healthy dessert treats

  • 8:30 PM: Closing for the night


  • 8:30 AM: Sensual hello to food ritual (chia vanilla pudding and cake batter yogurt)

  • 9:15 AM: Partner gentle arrival, dance, and play

  • 9:45 AM: Moving into our pleasure cocoon ritual

  • 10:30-11:30 AM: Pleasure cocooning

  • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Sovereignty and connection integration

  • 12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch (yummy taco bar!)

  • 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Closing the container, creating steps for home practices, partner accountability, and writing love poems.

What Participants Are Saying…

Embark on this transformative journey to reconnect with an embodied joy untouchable by circumstance and conditions.