Divine Feminine Shamans Retreats
Retreat Pricing
You are welcome to participate in one retreat, investment is $729 per retreat. $545 camping option for July and September DFS retreats.
All meals are whole food plant based.
Retreats held at the beautiful Mother Bear Sanctuary land and animal co-facilitators.
EVERY retreat includes an intention setting zoom call with the group AND an integration mini-retreat after.
Year Three receives retreat at $250 with service exchange (cook, clean, set up ceremonies, etc..). Please cover the cost of your food, medicinal smoothie, and art supplies on retreats. It is usually at least $250 a person at each retreat.
Four retreats WITH after integration retreat in person or online (March 22-24, May 17-19, July 18-21, Sep 20-22)
8 workshops on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6-9 pm to integrate huge shifts in retreats and learn the basics of the Self Acceptance Process
Sessions with Barbra WhiteCrow anytime you need them!
Free access to Daves's “Evolve In the Moment” workshops!! (Mind-set focusing. Shifting energy through conscious choice tools)
Join any other trainings in DFS Healing or Self Acceptance Process
DFS Healing: In person every other month–12 meridian 12 constitutional body healing
Self Acceptance Process (online, Mondays, 7 months)
DFS practices online every Wednesday evening—Join for free
Four retreats WITH after integration retreat in person or online
Sessions with Barbra WhiteCrow anytime you need them
8 workshops to integrate huge shifts in retreats and Self Acceptance Process
Free access to Dave's workshops
Join any of the other two trainings (SAP or DFS HEALER)
Individual consultation with your clients
Opportunities to co-lead at Earth Church
DFS practices online Wednesday evenings—Join for free Jan 22 to March 2nd
Divine Femine ShamanWater Retreat
Water retreat opens the inner gateways within to flow.
Water teaches us to let go, allow our feelings and step into the river.
March 22 - 24. All meals are whole food plant based.
Retreats held at the beautiful Mother Bear Sanctuary land and animal co-facilitators.
EVERY retreat includes a pre session with WhiteCrow, and intention setting zoom call with the group AND an integration mini-retreat on zoom or in person (decided by the DFS participants preference).
Water Retreat
Water Retreat
Building a safe container
Water Ceremony
Fundamentals of Self Acceptance Process
Learning how to journey with plants
DFS Water Chi Cong with Great Mother Tree
Medicinal Smoothies to feed the
third eyeLearning the frequency of food
Understanding feminine archetypes
to psychological healthOpening to Womb (Hara) wisdom
Surrender Floating in salt jacuzzi
Earth Cord Steams
DFS water Chi Cong
Sunday Check in brunch
Closing and integrating the light
The Divine Feminine Shaman
…moves with the river, wind, fire and minerals.
And through coming into their body connection, they remember innate capacities to tap into the natural world intelligence. Their body awareness is now a precious tool to listen to divine wisdom and their own connection to everything. They do not try to control it.
They trust It.
They are It.
Their embodied light in practice, is their service.
All doing and words birth from a place of an awareness, of embodied love presence, and from that they remind others of their innate wholeness.
Divine Femine ShamanRock Retreat
Rocks teach us to honor the sacred masculine WITHIN the feminine.
RESTING into the unchanging we allow even greater change.
In the undoing everything is done.
Rocks and trees teach us to yield into who and what we already are.
In the DFS rock retreat we learn to hold a presence that requires no explanation.
May 17 - 19. All meals are whole food plant based.
Retreats held at the beautiful Mother Bear Sanctuary land and animal co-facilitators.
EVERY retreat includes a pre session with WhiteCrow, and intention setting zoom call with the group AND an integration mini-retreat on zoom or in person (decided by the DFS participants preference).
Rock Retreat
Rock Retreat
Building a safe container
Journeying with the wisdom of rocks
Awakening remembrance of original innocence Ceremony in the Elephant Vortex on Mother Bear Sanctuary
DFS Rock-Tree Chi Cong with the rocks!
Morning medicinal smoothies
Practicing presence and feeling it’s healing power
Learning to metabolize our blocks as power Perceived Protector work within Self Acceptance Process
Holding your energy field
Leadership DFS presence practice
with the horses
DFS Rock-Tree Chi Cong
Sunday Brunch check in
Integrating the realizations and light
“There is a clarion call from nature to step into your broader self identity, to Shaman the divine feminine within. As you cultivate-awaken your intimate connection with nature, and animals you will embody-remember the fabric of oneness (not theory). This re-opened umbilical cord to the Earth grounds you into peaceful right action around your creativity, joy-purpose and service. There is a clarion call from the plants and the animals. I hear it loudly. They are wanting to help you. It is essential that we make this consciousness shift in humanity back to the body and nature, to stop the climate crisis.”
Divine Femine Shaman Multi Dimensional Activation Spacious Weaving Air Retreat
The Merkaba is alive within the four elements, and archetypes of Self. It is the Soul Energy Body: (physical energy body, emotional energy body, mental energy body). As stated and emphasized the four elements and Self Acceptance Process help to integrate the Mud (shadow aspects denied, repressed or ancestral).
The vitality of the body, emotional trauma healing, and holding a a vision for your life are crucial to expressing your multi-dimensional Self in a healthy way for your human Self and being clear and grounded in your Soul Body allows you to affect the physical matter in the world and be a real change maker. This cannot be emphasized enough. You CAN access your multi-dimensional Self however if it does not have the roots to hold the frequency you will experience unnecessary illness, chaos and suffering.
The 12 archetypes of your multi-dimensional Over Soul can be past life, animals, angels, elements, aliens, or light beings. These 12 elements are coordinated and specifically placed according to the Divine Codes placed in your Soul evolution. This Soul Evolution includes your Galactic and Earthly purpose.
July 18 - 21. All meals are whole food plant based.
Retreats held at the beautiful Mother Bear Sanctuary land and animal co-facilitators.
EVERY retreat includes a pre session with WhiteCrow, and intention setting zoom call with the group AND an integration mini-retreat on zoom or in person (decided by the DFS participants preference).
Air Retreat
Air Retreat
Building a safe container
Understanding the difference
between your Soul, Multi-
dimensional Self and I am PresenceDFS Activation of the four elements and your subtle energy bodies
DFS Air weaving Chi Cong
Checking in Circle
Spiritual Art of the Merkaba
Journeying with an animal co-facilitator
Nighttime activation Ceremony
DFS four element Chi Cong
Sunday Morning Brunch
Divine Femine Shaman Fire Retreat
The undoing of depression in our high tech low touch society is about helping people EXPERIENCE the Feminine--which is not inherently female.
A Divine Feminine Shaman is awakened through elemental energy embodiment, Self Acceptance Process, multi-dimensional guide activation, sacred sexuality, community support, respect for all life, and a felt natural world weaving with plants and animals.
These feminine ointments midwife a DFS human portal that can vibrationally birth a new more sustainable loving world for all.
FIRE retreat is the SHAKTI Passion and embodiment of pleasure prayer in our bodies. All pleasure practices and body acceptance ceremonies are trauma informed. All DFS work is trauma informed meaning safety, choice and agency are emphasized throughout ALL the work. Anything that takes power cannot be empowering.
September 20 - 22. All meals are whole food plant based.
Retreats held at the beautiful Mother Bear Sanctuary land and animal co-facilitators.
EVERY retreat includes a pre session with WhiteCrow, and intention setting zoom call with the group AND an integration mini-retreat on zoom or in person (decided by the DFS participants preference).
Fire Retreat
Fire Retreat
opening circle
awakening to animals and plants
Clearing the patriarchy and industrial growth energy
safety connection and agreements
ceremonial attunement to land and animals
yoga with trees and nature
Medicinal Kale snacks
Dreaming into your broader consciousness night ceremony
All meals are Whole Food Organic Plant Based
Medicinal Smoothies
Self Acceptance Process (loving all parts, burden/perceived protector integration). Clearing body shame
and unworthiness.Fire Qi Cong
Divine Feminine Shaman Breathing
Journeying with specific plants and animals for FIRE PASSION
Combining ALL the elemental
energy forms for anchoring more Christ Light into One's bodyNighttime Ceremony to reclaim innocence, sensuality and fire in our bodies
Chi Cong by Mother Tree
Sealing in and integration
Sunday integration brunch
Finalizing the vision
Request a 30-minute consultation through the form here to ask any questions and/or see if DFS retreat immersions, online programs, or apprenticeship is the right fit for you.