Healing Sessions and DFS foundations

BOLD enough to be whole. Whole enough to be free. FREE enough to BE YOU. It’s time to take up more space and fully DO YOU!! You are a gift. Your authenticity, gifts and passion is a gift back to Life.
Intuitive guidance, body based therapy: $185 zoom 50min. Be guided to your purpose, passion and self acceptance. Session includes compassionate support to heal, intuitive reading and guidance towards your next steps, divine feminine shaman energy clearing and process, and homework for application at home. (Willing to work with financial sliding scale)
Healing Session at Mother Bear Sanctuary $250-350 sliding scale: 90-120min: includes everything in sessions above, PLUS body meridians opening, body healing, divine feminine shaman nature ceremony and supplements and homeopathic are specifically pulse tested for your body.
E-mail MotherBearBarbra@gmail.com for any questions. Or text 734-796-6690 to set up a discovery call.
You can also go to BarbraWhite.com, MotherBearSanctuary.com, and books on Amazon to see all of Barbra WhiteCrow writings, social activism, and decades of training.
Fundamentals of Divine Feminine Shamans
Divine Feminine Shaman Five Foundational Pillars are:
Body Connection: Sensuality as embodied Light, Trauma Informed Sexuality, Trauma Informed Psychic Development.
The body and nervous system lead the way to healthy spiritual development. Pleasure is embodied God/Goddess and can unstick our addiction to worry. Psychic development with body/nature connection allows a healthy body, strong mind and awareness of one’s basic needs. Psychic highs or journeys before mental, emotional, and physical bodies are harmonized can be damaging. This causes a person to get “high” but not free. Trauma arises when the person has not yet developed the capacity or learned tools to process the pain or light that was brought to their awareness. The definition of trauma is too much too fast. If the physical nervous system cannot stabilize or integrate, the spiritual opening can create depression or even chronic illness. Calming the nervous system and balancing the energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) BEFORE connecting to multi-dimensional aspects or any psychic visions is essential for embodiment. High states of psychic states, and sexuality without a calm nervous system is fundamentally unhealthy.
Connection to nature and the body is NOT conceptual. Put your feet on the Earth bare, touch a tree, taste the energy in your food, touch a tree. PHYSICAL is not separate from spiritual. Go to the body to calm the mind. It is encouraged in DFS to use the body, energy balancing and nature to calm the mind. Connection to energy of plants as food, and vagus nerve balancing techniques are also essential tools in the Divine Feminine Shaman integration tool box.
2. Self Acceptance Process: Loving ALL Parts–Energetics of Shadow Healing
Talk therapy alone can traumatize people into over-identifying with their thoughts. Freud and objective science have infested the cultural consciousness as the only way to know oneself. Psychology without spirituality is unbalanced. Self Acceptance Process, is the energetics of loving all parts work. Loving of ones humanity to know your divinity includes the perceived protectors, painful emotions, dualistic states, and all the unskillful ways we try to get our needs met. Self Acceptance Process is a potent healing process of energetically integrating ancestral trauma, sabotaging patterns, inner child parts, and ways we resist love. In SAP you learn how non-doing and presence heal yourself and all those around you.
3. Plant and Animal Honoring and Communication
Actively working with and hearing the voice of animals, plants and the four elements. This nature communion includes our animal communication journey, plant ally, plant journeys, food attunements, mycelium connection, and Earth attunements. Respecting our sacred teachers that are human, plant and animal we complete the feedback loop and demonstrate respect and value the shoulders we stand on. Honoring our lineage of plant/animal teachers, human mentors and ancestors increases felt sense of belonging and knowing we never stand alone.
4. Mysticism and awakening of the Over-Soul or Multi-Dimensional Self
Attune to the Four Elements through your energetic bodies. Multi-dimensional attunements, clearing the industrial growth complex, clearing shame programs, clearing misogyny, clearing the God/Goddess doubt, integrating the Perceived Protectors (*Self acceptance Process. ) Shamanic principles and techniques were all directly channeled from Earth, and thousands of hours of listening to people’s energy. Exceptions will always be noted when given from a specific teacher.)
5. Community Connection and healthy Inter-dependence
The community provides immunity from lower vibrations of hate, fear, and doubt. In DFS we actively support conscious communication of needs and feelings, shining of your individual gifts and inter-dependence for the common good.
Divine Feminine Shamans:
Kwan Yin Magdalene roots in the Goddess
Kwan Yin has been reduced to only a female Buddha who relieves suffering. What if she is actually an access point and intimate gateway into self-realization? The Magdalene was reduced to a prostitute or a person who was just hanging around Christ. However, each of these beings are a Consciousness or inward portal of the black/white, divine feminine, feminine mysteries. Magdalene made Christ consciousness possible. Kwan yin was not in the clouds but in the soil and roots of Nature and Life. The divine feminine shaman majesty is ready to be reclaimed within each of us.
The feminine, dark mystery Is NOT about gender. This consciousness can be awakened within all humans. Men have ‘womb’ spaces called Hara or Dan Tien. The goddess is within us all and needs reclaiming within every human.
Natural World is within us ALL. We are all a Divine Feminine Shaman. We all have animal bodies that are intrinsically connected within the web of nature. Our True Buddha Christ Nature IS a Divine Feminine Shaman. Rooting into our bodies felt sense, and nature’s energy we re- discovers our core innocence and fundamental oneness with Life. Life wants to express more of ItSelf through every portal (being) possible. Life seeks Life.
Divine Feminine Shaman: dares to cross the threshold will awaken the power to birth the Christ within, the awakened Buddha awareness and Earths sweet pulse within their cells, womb space and way of living.
Midwifing our Soul, Over-Soul (multi-dimensional), Christ Consciousness, and Cosmic mother into our being through embodiment, nature and animal intrinsic connections, elemental chi Cong, ritual, embracing all parts and alchemically integrating the darkness.
Divine Feminine refers to horizontal access: flow, change, emotions, sensuality, body, and nature. Sacred masculine is the vertical access: one-pointed, focus, intention, inspired action, still presence. A DF-Shaman is a being that births, shamans or ushers their feminine connection within. A DF-Shaman is a living example, a portal and protector of the feminine aspect of Life.
Reclaiming of the feminine aspect of life is anchored in power-with.
Power-with is contrary to the Industrial Growth Complex and our original Fall from Nature.
What is power-with versus power-over?
Seeks to listen, be-with, or connect.
Reprocity to perception
Honors emotions and body connections
Respects Natural Law and the intrinsic order of the body and nature
Seeks to empower rather than dominate
Seeks to control, manage and dominate.
Hierarchy, Patriarchal, Consumerism
Deaf to the bodies needs
Separate from nature
Denys the importance of nature’s needs and feedback loops
Energy does not give back, it only takes
8 Principals of a Divine Feminine Shaman:
Philosophical underpinnings:
1. The fall of the goddess was the fall from nature. Anything identified with the soil, and Earth has been relegated to ‘beneath’ the great patriarchal God. God up…Devil is down in Judeau-Christian philosophy. Women’s bleeding bodies, animals, soil, colored bodies, land, all seen as “beneath” and something to dominate. Animal husbandry was the step that led to control of women’s sexuality. How we treat one….we will treat others. Our psyche is intimately tied into our natural world. Multiple studies show nature can heal, effect our minds and bodies. How we eat and treat plants and animals registers in OUR bodies….the two are not separate.

Industrial Growth Complex: includes our original separation from nature. This separation is expressed in: patriarchy, transcendent spirituality, power-over models in religion, medicine, education, and social systems, the focus on objective science with no objective, the dismissal of anything feminine, misogyny, dismissal of intuition, denial of body-spirit connection, denial of natural world dependence, and over valuing of technology.
From the fall of the Goddess we honor the indigenous consciousness and beings that have been mistreated and colonized. We are intentional not to draw from specific traditions however we see the similarity. Information was received directly from Divine Feminine Earth consciousness, thousands of hours listening to peoples energy and direct transmissions from animals and natural world. If a specific teaching is from a book, or teacher it will be referenced as best we can. We honor the effects of colonization, systemic racism, and white privilege. We honor the disastrous effects of big agriculture and factory farming on climate change. We seek to create change in these power-over models through humility, our inner work, and being love in action.
2. We believe in non-dualistic omnipresent love, and an inborn connection to empower us to hear voice the divine within ourselves, live our purpose and be a steward to the divine feminine. The divine is not just in all things…but is all things: Omni-present and omni-active. The center is everywhere but no in one place.
3. From a loving of the darkness, we mid-wife our Buddha, Christ, Sophia etc.. nature within us, and anchor a felt embodied oneness. Burdens becomes a gift when embraced. The curse becomes a gift or the emotional block becomes a bridge. S.L.E.P are the components of the darkens called Perceived Protectors *story, emotional trauma, limiting belief about self, and pattern of self sabotage.
4. Every human has been given a divine mission. This mission is covered with the m.u.d. (mindful understanding of the density or darkness).
M.U.D used in Self Acceptance Process. This M.U.D (trauma, perceived protectors, ancestral trauma( is the fertilizer to our Souls bloom. Every person has a gift within and mandate from Great Spirit to become their full Self. In living into this mandate real happiness is realized and the community and natural world is healed.
5. Every human when they remember their full self is a Divine Feminine Shaman. We are nature. We are not just on the Earth..but of the Earth. Our root chakra IS our connection to nature. Our bodies are animals. Darwins Theory of Evolution has 117 examples of cooperation and collaboration. Survival of the fittest was only 3 examples, however this data was perverted to justify consumerism, capitalism and mistreatment of animals.
6. All Beings are Holy. Nature is alive and sovereign. Animals feel and are sovereign. The life or anima within all beings exists.
7. Every animal and plant has an access point or portal to the divine within and around.
8. We are multidimensional beings disguised as humans.
In summary — We Stand For
Animals and plants are part of our broader Self Identity or Divine Feminine Shaman Self. They are not just “totems” or “guides” but a literal part of our psyche, energy and whole Self.
A power with each other, men, women, all genders the Earth, animals, and all living Beings.
Every person knowing their innate worth through a high receptivity to Love, connection, and community support.
Helping others to awaken to their brilliance with the understanding that each person is a unique and complete expression of Love.
Openly sharing of ourselves, our gifts, and our vulnerabilities.
Healing all the bodies: emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual (healing as defined by “remembering your wholeness” and not as trying to “fix” or “transform”).
Accepting and loving all aspects of ourselves: the fear, the joy, the pain, the suffering, the love, the laughter. ALL PARTS OF US. In embracing all parts of ourselves we remember a SELF that is beyond comprehension.
Empowering people to know their innate worth and natural world connections so that they can act, move and speak to create change in their lives and world.
Community with others as we open the vision and hold the space that aligns people with their highest potential.
Instead of trying to rise up, we root down. We see the natural world not as something to rise above, consume or conquer. Rather we see the natural world as something to commune and connect, and through those connections, remember how loved we truly are.
Meaning, we honor the animals, soil, bleeding bodies, community, and our natural world as holy. This honoring helps us to re-remember an embodied divinity that is in our humanity.
Reverence and respect are not just principles but alchemical tools to awaken natural world mystery within us.
We cultivate a reciprocity to our perceptions and allow our bodies, minds, and hearts to be informed by these intrinsic natural connections.
We see animals as our teachers, companions, and friends. Not as our pets, objects to control, or below us.
We commit to conscious communication, own our projections, and speaking our needs calmly and confidently.
We seek connection over isolation, and interdependence instead of codependence.

Trauma happens within relationship AND is healed in relationship. (With animals, nature and people). Anything that takes power away cannot be empowering no matter how healing it professes to be
- Judith Herman